Sunday, October 4, 2015

He Speaks!

 Maren picked this out for Halloween. It is the dress of a princess named Sofia.
She still says her favorite color is pink, but she always picks purple if she has a choice. 
 I got a bike, a bike trailer, and a bike seat for Evren. We can all ride together now!
 They like it and I get a work out.
Cute mushroom head
 Hug your monkey
Mr Happy
Until now Evren has only said "Mama" and if I caught him saying something else he would never repeat it. Now he says "ball, up, ice, mine, nuh-uh, yours, these, is, and fries" and adds new words everyday.  "Is" is used for the question "What is it?" Daddy noted that he learned to say "fries" before he learned to say "Daddy". (He uses "Mama" for both of us)

1 comment:

Matt & Shana said...

fries is a very important word :)