Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Two 22 month olds and a 2 week old

 Evren loves his Grandma! 
"Wake up, Daddy"
Evren is wearing Brendan's baby hat. 
Maren found a new use for her bib. 
 This is what happens when they take turns holding the baby. They can't wait for their turn.
 Maren pointing out that this is "baby".
So they are willing to sit still for a picture now, but this is what happens when I ask them to "show me your teeth" in an attempt to get them to smile.  (Maven left, Maren right)
To continue our shoe obsession, Maren models Grandma's high heels. We may like clothes as much as shoes though because the dresses shown in the pictures above are what they chose to get from the dollar store. I offered them all kinds of toys and they chose dresses.
The girls like to use Evren's bouncer as a recliner. Well, it was their bouncer at one point, thus everything Evren sits or sleeps on seems to be pink, poor guy. 

1 comment:

ldtexas said...

I love these pictures! Evren is such a darling baby! And M&M are getting so big. Love those kids. I like their teeth pictures - they're very literal ;)
- Love, Lolo